Wow I love this so much Gabriela. Too often we think it’s a lack of will power or we need grit or determination to get things done …. But when i go into those modes I don’t create with ease .. and that mode is not sustainable… and actually often it is fear that is underlying ‘grit’ mode … when I create from a place of safety and not worrying about the outcome .. it comes with ease and flow .. and thanks to you now I know why !!

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Thank you for your share, Camilla. I can see you are making intuitive choices that serve you. It shows a level of self awareness that you are able to notice the grit mode doesn't enable you to create with ease. Isn't it cool when we can then find out that there is a little bit of 'science and spirituality' going on in the background that explains it. For me, this can be validating, giving me more courage to follow my intuition.

Gabriela x

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Yes love it when science and spirituality back each other ;)

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Sep 16Liked by Gabriela Blandy

Beautiful post and lovely thoughts. thank you

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Thanks Hannah, I appreciate you sharing this. I'd love to know, was there anything in particular that resonated with you?

Gabriela x

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Sep 16Liked by Gabriela Blandy

Well, I woke up this morning with a big to do list and a 'need' to focus as my member of staff is on holiday so all the work is on me this week. I was sure I didn't have time for a walk even though the foggy morning looked interesting. Then my son sent me a photo of the view from the village above ours and he was in bright sunlight, above the fog, with a thick band of beautiful white mist below him. The caption read "hello from the top of the world. Get up here if you can, it's magic". So I did. And he was right. It was absolutely magic and the hour I spent with the dew covered spiderwebs and the fading silhouettes of trees and then as I got up higher the crisp sunshine and the thick cloud below was incredible. I was no longer daunted by the tasks of the day. This hour, looking at 'the things that matter' opened up my day and gave me a gentle, poised focus throughout. Of course I got everything done, even with less hours and I even found the time to write a blog about it (not published it yet, otherwise I'd send a link). That's the long answer.

And the short answer? Piggies crossing the road! I love your observations and analogies of all the animals in the road and the people expression and 'the rapture'. Beautiful

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I adore this, Hannah, and I feel grateful that you shared the long answer as well as the short one! Do please share the blog link when you have it. I was mesmerised by this glimpse into that precious hour you took in nature high above the fog. And I'm glad you like the piggies!!

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